
Singamparai is a Beautiful village which is located in Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu. Singamparai has two churches. One is St. Paul's church., another one is St. Antony's Church. In St.Paul's church mass will be done by novasarto priest.
But in St. Antony's church the mass will be in Latin. And mass said by Traditional Priests. Before 45 Years the latin mass was said throughout the world. After 2nd Vatican Council the Traditional mass was replaced with new mass. The Latin language was used to say mass for more the 1800 Years.

More than 30 peoples were blessed to see the Traditional Latin mass. This mass is celebrated regularly on Every Sunday at 11 am in Singamparai St.Antony's church. The priest from palayamkottai will come to say Mass in Singamparai.